Free Testing Clinics in Health Services
Free STI Express Clinic Free HIV & Hep C Clinic Scheduling
Health Services periodically offers free Chlamydia and Gonorrhea testing, funded by a Student Government Association (SGA) grant.
About This Testing:
- For students without symptoms
- Testing is done for one body site of sexual contact (urine test or vaginal, oral, or rectal swab)
- Appointments are available at Health Services, 2nd floor McCaffery-Wagman Tennis and Wellness Center
- Testing is most accurate 14 days after sexual contact
- Confidential – No information will be shared with other departments, SGA, or parents. By New York State law, positive results must be confidentially reported to Saratoga County Public Health.
During the appointment:
- See a nurse
- Provide a sample to be sent to an outside lab for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing
- Have the opportunity to ask questions and receive additional resources
- Typically available within 2-3 business days through your Health Services Portal
- If you test positive, treatment will be provided
Please note:
STI Express Free Clinic appointments do NOT include:
- Chlamydia or Gonorrhea testing for multiple sites
- HIV or other STI testing
- Physical or gynecological exams
- Birth control
- Pap smears
- Pregnancy tests
For these services, please call 518-580-5550 or submit an appointment request through the Health Services Portal to schedule a provider visit.
The Hudson Headwaters Health Network (HHHN) HIV Program will periodically be present in Health Services to perform free rapid HIV and Hepatitis C testing.
About This Testing:
- Appointments will be in Health Services, 2nd floor McCaffery-Wagman Tennis and Wellness Center
- 3rd generation fingerstick blood testing for HIV
- Results available within 15 minutes, discussed before you leave
- Performed by HHHN HIV Program staff
- Confidential – No information will be shared with Health Services, other departments, or parents. Positive results will be confidentially reported to Saratoga County Public Health per New York State law.
Upcoming Clinic Dates:
- Free STI Express Clinic (chlamydia and gonorrhea testing): Monday, 3/24/25, from 9 PM - 4:30 PM
To schedule a testing appointment:
- Log on to your Health Services Portal
- Go to “Appt Scheduling” and choose “Schedule Appt.”
- Select either the “STI Express Free Clinic” or “HIV Free Clinic” as the reason for the visit, and choose the desired date to view available appointments.